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Schedule of Classes

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Class Descriptions

for Dance info click here


Beginning Yoga - this is a practice for the pure beginner. You will be introduced to a wide range of standing, seated, and reclined poses at a mindful pace and be introduced to props to personalize your practice. Alignment and safety in transitioning in and out of postures is a cornerstone of this class. Pranayama (breathing techniques) are introduced. All are welcome to this slower-paced practice. 



Gentle / Restorative Yoga is famously relaxing, healing and grounding. Fewer poses are done over the course of longer holds, using lots of props. This approach is good for relaxation, flexibility, developing greater awareness of the body-mind-breath-emotional connection, and slowly-paced, supported stretching. Postures are done on the floor - seated and reclined.


Heated Yoga (90 degrees) is offered in a variety of styles on weeknights and Saturday mornings. This invigorating practice is mindfully paced with creative sequencing. Heated Hatha Flow and Heated Vinyasa are offered.



Hatha / Iyengar-Inspired Yoga is characterized by an emphasis on alignment that uses props extensively. This practice builds deep flexibility, strength and meditative equilibrium with longer holds in the postures. There is ample time in each posture to reflect upon and understand various aspects of the art of Yoga, and this approach is often best suited for persons needing stability, healing or rehabilitation from injury. This practice style can include Sun Salutations but is not a flowing practice in general. 


Vinyasa Flow emphasizes the graceful fluidity of Yoga. With a focus on alignment principles, attention to breath, and mindfulness through transitions, a greater awareness and connection is created between mind and body. Students of this practice cultivate a sense of openness, strength, focus and balance by linking the breath to each posture. Modifications and intensification options are offered to encourage a practice according to one's own needs, creating a beautiful opportunity to be inspired by fellow students of all levels. 


Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is offered in a condensed format as a led practice weekly. This is a very athletic and vigorous style of Yoga, appropriate for experienced beginners to advanced practitioners. Beginning with 10 Sun Salutes, this warming practice moves into standing, seated and reclined postures for 5 breaths each, and ends with inversions.


Yang / Yin starts with a warm-up and breathing practice, moving with increased focus and intention to more dynamic (yang) strength building poses and then gently transitions into more passively held stretches that typify yin yoga. Students will gain strength, flexibility and develop keen self-awareness as they learn to use the breath to flow - a perfect way to transition from day to night and prepare for a restful night of sleep.


Pilates is not only a series of exercises; it is a pathway to healthier and happier living, an art of controlled movements. Pilates improves flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the entire body. It puts emphasis on alignment, breathing, developing a strong core, and improving coordination and balance, posture and mental focus.  Its focus is on quality of movement rather than number of repetitions. The efficient movement patterns that are taught help keep joints healthy.  The focused breathing increases lung capacity and circulation. 


The Pilates method is a form of exercise that is a unique and different experience developed by Joseph Pilates (1883 - 1967), from Mönchengladbach, Germany. His father was a prize-winning gymnast and his mother a naturopath. Pilates exercises can be tailored to any level of health and fitness, and encourage awareness and control over your body. 


Kids' Yoga (ages 4-14) and Family Yoga (adults together with children age 3 and up) are both 45-minute, fun and creative classes. Family Yoga invites parents or caregivers to bring children to learn and share the Yoga practice together. In the Kids' and Family Yoga classes participants use props, partner poses, games, circle time, singing and guided visualization to explore classical Yoga practices in an environment that allows children to be themselves and encourage their creative movement, concentration, self-confidence, and appreciation of a peaceful lifestyle as taught through stories and by examples of Yoga philosophy as it relates to daily life. Family Yoga classes have a special pricing scale to accomodate families: with each child's tuition being $10, and a participating parent is free.


Yoga for Seniors is a wonderful community class with the safety, enjoyment, and revitalization of elder bodies, minds, and hearts in focus. This class begins with breathwork and moves into a variety of seated, standing, and wall-supported postures specifically designed to reach out to and respect the diversity of the aging body. We use a slow and stable approach and all kinds of props to give greater access and comfort in the poses. Yoga for Seniors focuses on building muscle tone, improved circulation to and vitality of the internal organs, enhanced breathing and heart rate synchronization, improving digestion, and encouraging increased bone density. 



Tai Chi, as it is practiced in the west today, can perhaps best be thought of as a moving form of yoga and meditation combined. There are a number of so- called forms (sometimes also called 'sets') which consist of a sequence of movements. Many of these movements are originally derived from the martial arts (and perhaps even more ancestrally than that, from the natural movements of animals and birds) although the way they are performed in Tai Chi is slowly, softly and gracefully with smooth and even transitions between them.

For many practicioners the focus in doing them is not, first and foremost, martial, but as a meditative exercise for the body. For others the combat aspects of Tai Chi are of considerable interest. In Chinese philosophy and medicine there exists the concept of 'chi', a vital force that animates the body. One of the avowed aims of Tai Chi is to foster the circulation of this 'chi' within the body, the belief being that by doing so the health and vitality of the person are enhanced. This 'chi' circulates in patterns that are close related to the nervous and vascular system and thus the notion is closely connected with that of the practice of acupuncture and other oriental healing arts.


Another aim of Tai Chi is to foster a calm and tranquil mind, focused on the precise execution of these exercises. Learning to do them correctly provides a practical avenue for learning about such things as balance, alignment, fine-scale motor control, rhythm of movement, the genesis of movement from the body's vital center, and so on. Thus the practice of Tai Chi can in some measure contribute to being able to better stand, walk, move, run, etc. in other spheres of life as well. Many practitioners notice benefits in terms of correcting poor postural, alignment or movement patterns which can contribute to tension or injury. Furthermore the meditative nature of the exercises is calming and relaxing in and of itself. (this class description by



Prenatal Yoga guides expectant mothers of any week or trimester in pregnancy through a class specifically designed for the variations in women's bodies. This class works with making Yoga practice feel great for the pregnant mama's journey with time-tested and researched poses that are safe, relaxing, and deliver energy and support at any stage of pregnancy.


New discoveries emerge as women connect with themselves through mindful breathing in a variety of poses, many of which are supported with props.


Best of all, expectant mamas have the time and are encouraged in this class to connect consciously with their baby. A safe, encouraging and compassionate environment allows women to freely discuss any issues - from discomforts and concerns, to sharing great moments in this great time of personal transformation.


Dance Classes


We respectfully request for the sake of our floors that no shoes be worn except in Salsa classes. Non-marking shoes only. Thank you for your cooperation!


Salsa Rueda No partner needed! Join our instructor Keith Cowans for an evening of Salsa music that will move your soul and your body. You'll dance with everyone, learn a lot from yourself and each other, and have a great time! Keith begins with a warm-up and teaches footwork and stylizations at the mirror, then partner dance, then we dance in the constantly moving, beautiful Rueda ("Wheel").


Bellydance Accompanied by beautiful music, learn basic footwork, arms, undulations, locks, mayas and shimmies- the movement signatures used in Arabic dance. Layers and isolations make this a dance that gives back to the body in strength and beauty. Be ready for a great workout! Bare feet or soft-soled dance shoes recommended for this class (jazz shoe, ballet slipper, lyrical sandals or dance paws-socks okay too). This class ends with fun combos that will bring the dance home into your body memory.


Capoeira is offered for children ages 4-10 at 4:30pm. Capoeira is a form of self-defense originating in Brazil from West African roots, particularly Angola. Capoeira is done typically in a "roda" (pronounced "hoda") or circle with music ("Bateria") on traditional instruments and group singing. Capoeira teaches concentration through maintaining eye contact with one's sparring partner while kicking, spinning, jumping, doing aerial moves, handstands, cartwheels and more with the most careful glinting edges between people but without direct physical contact. Community, self-awareness, energy, freedom, balance and strength as well as beautiful movements flow from this practice.



Special Drop-in Classes, drop-in fees payable to teachers (cash preferred)


African Dance - with live drumming and master teachers


Dance of Senegal is taught by Oumou Faye on Sundays, 11:15AM-12:30PM. $15 

-Currently on break


Children's Ballet with Wind Sands

various ages, Monday, Tuesday and Friday (call Wind at 831-332-7901 for info)

$15 drop in, series discounts and sibling discounts are available. Currently paused.

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