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Sensei Fred Castillo
Castillo's Shotokan Karate-Do
Adults and children are invited to train with Sensei Fred Castillo for Traditional Karate-do. Meeting twice a week, Sensei Castillo introduces students to the traditional way of training. The traditional Karate method involves action not words, experience not theory, takes "time", "patience", and an "indomitable spirit" which must be developed by most students before real "karate-do" can be taught or expressed.
Sensei Castillo, owner and head instructor of Castillo's Shotokan Karate-Do, began training in the art of Karate in January 1967. He has trained in the Japanese karate systems of Chito-ryu, under the guidance of Sensei Calvin Avila; Shorin-ji-ryu, under Shihan Richard Kim of the Butoku-kai; and Shihan Kenneth Funakoshi of the F.S.F.A.. In addition to his 5th degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate, Sensei Castillo has a B.A. in Health Services Administration from St. Mary's College in Moraga Ca. and is a registered Radiologic Technologist. Sensei Castillo also has a teaching credential in the profession of Radiologic Technology and occasionally has taught classes at Cabrillo Community College in Santa Cruz County
Practitioners move with resolve, vitality, and intensity at the encouragement of the Sensei. While the karate-ka work together, learn from each other, understand teamwork and the hierarchical chain of command, the "essence of karate training lies in the cultivation of the individual."
"Karate has a soul, a spirit, and a tradition which sets it apart from any common definition." You cannot categorize the lessons of karate solely in terms of sport, art, or philosophy. It is all three of these disciplines and much more. What we build with our knowledge and capabilities is the ultimate aim of karate-do. It is not enough to practice, it is not enough to be prepared, none of this is enough if we do not have goals and are willing to defend those principles which are the foundation of these goals.
Beginners are welcome! Students work on individual katas given by the instructor.
Children's classes are for youth 6-12, and adult classes are for those 12 years and older.