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THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY weekend celebration with Tibetan Sand Mandala teaching and ceremony given by Geshe Dangsong Namygal of Kunsang Gar Institute, Saturday September 28 - Sunday September 29.
We are so grateful to be well-rooted in our beloved town! Come celebrate three years of growing community through holistic health, Yoga, world dance traditions for adults and children, healing arts, meditation, and more.
We look forward to celebrating with you.

Schedule of events for the Naga Sand Mandala creation, teaching, and ceremony:
This event will take place over four days over the week of the studio's 3rd Anniversary! This sacred sand painting can be viewed any time Saturday through Sunday, come learn about and experience it's significance during the teaching sessions. Geshe Dangsong Namgyal and Geshe Kunchap will officiate and teach.
Teaching schedule: Saturday & Sunday 9/28 and 9/29 10:30-6PM
By donation, no one turned away for lack of funds.
About Sand Mandalas
Sand mandalas transmit positive energies to the environment and to the people who view them. While constructing a mandala, the Geshes will chant and meditate. A mandala’s healing power extends to the whole world even before it is swept up and dispersed into flowing water—a further expression of sharing the mandala’s blessings with all.
For thousands of years, in Tibet and India, nagas have been known as the spirits who rule the five elements of the earth, especially the land and water. The mounting desires of people over time have led to increasing devastation of the natural environment through activities such as digging the earth, destroying rock, cutting trees, polluting water, etc. Due to these kinds of activities, the five elements become disordered and out of balance.
The nagas possess great power and, when disturbed, are relentless in their retaliation. They react by wreaking more and more havoc, including causing intractable illness and disease, accidents, war, or natural disasters such as earthquakes, flooding, fire, storms, volcanic eruptions, and so on.
The Naga Sand Mandala and Offerings are made in order to purify and acknowledge the destructive actions people have made and to heal our relationship with the nagas and the earth. The mandala itself represents an extraordinary palace and is offered to the eight Naga Kings and all nagas; additional offerings of mantras, meditation, chanting, holy objects and teachings are made—all to satisfy and pacify the nagas and restore harmony.
This method, given by the Buddha Tonpa Shenrab, is the best solution for the healing the problems between nagas and human beings, for nagas to protect the earth, and for removing obstacles in individuals. It creates greater balance of all inner and outer energy between mother earth and beings, particularly for our area and those who attend. Much benefit can be acquired through this ritual; it can prolong one’s life span, and help restore a happy and contended life. The ritual is very powerful and useful.
For more information, contact:
Geshe Dangsong Namgyal, Spiritual Director
Kunsang Gar
P.O. Box 65
Freedom, CA 95019
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